The Venue: Holmbush Estate and Buchan Country Park are to the South of the A264 Pease Pottage (Crawley) to Horsham road. The venue is approximately 15 minutes from Gatwick Airport and 1 hour from Heathrow.
The area was used for the Long Race at JK2017 See the JK2017 RouteGadget site for the map (and courses).
Final details will be published on or before Thursday 13th March. We have had some last-minute issues with access to the parking field that have been resolved, but this will require some changes to instructions for arriving at the event. The new parking area is adjacent to the previous one and so does not change journey times, but has a different entry/exit point.
Start times for all classes are being finalised, ensuring that seeding rules are correctly applied. We plan to publish final start times by the morning of Wednesday 12th March.
Assembly is within 500m of all parking, and will have traders, toilets, download, first aid etc. The run-in and commentary are in the assembly field which has good views of runners approaching the final control. There is plenty of space for club tents and a natural slope that should allow everyone to see what is happening. The start is flat/downhill, 1.5km from assembly and <1km from parking. The final details will provide further information on event arrangements.
Following final controlling and review of the updated map, we have decided to provide maps at 1:7500 for older and younger age classes. This means that we have some new courses (6a, 7a, 9a, 10a) using the 1:7500 maps. The Course details page has been updated to show map scales.
The day after the event, SouthDowns Orienteers have a UKOL-ranking event at Worth Lodge Forest.
See here for details.